Thursday, June 16, 2011

Spell it Out...

...With Sparklers!!!

As a family we're not big into the 4th of July fireworks thing...

some years we go see a big production put on by someone else, 

some years we go to a friend's who is more into it than we are...

most years we just purchase a few little ones and have fun 
in front of the big deal.

Last year, I was more interested in playing with my camera settings than with the fireworks, so my children helped me out by lighting and waving far too many sparklers while I tried different settings out...they were so patient!

By putting the camera on the tripod (for stability) and using just the program~fireworks setting (most point and shoot cameras should have this setting) I caught some fun images.

Then I decided to try something even more fun...spelling letters!

Notice something backwards?

After a bit of flipping and cropping...
then using another shot I took a few years ago as a background...


An awesome personalized greeting to send to a friend!

You can do all sorts of drawing with sparklers...

this website had some fun ideas, here...

Would you like to try it?

  • Grab a tripod (or something to steady your camera on),

  • Make sure its dark out,

  • Set your camera for the longest exposure you have...on most simple cameras that will be the fireworks program setting,

  • Light those sparklers and have some fun clicking away!

Creativity is encouraged!

For those of you with more advanced cameras, there is a website with some more detailed

As always, exercise good judgment when using safe!

I'm linking this post over at the House of Hepworth's Party

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Is for Growing...

...Including your mind.

I've just learned more about how to use my camera in the past two weeks 
than I have learned in the past three years of owning it.

I've learned to use my camera to take photographs instead of snapshots...

I learned about using light in different ways...

I learned to focus on my subjects eyes...

I learned to fill the frame with my subject...

I learned to use my camera to blur backgrounds...

I learned to find a different perspective...

And I learned how to fill the background with unexpected color...

It was a great class, and I look forward to learning more.

What are you learning this summer?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The more things change...

...the more things stay the same.

Brandon and Christopher just went on a mountain biking adventure
to Moab, Utah

ready to ride!

They had a blast going up, down and around...

taking the hill!
trick riding...
outta here!

leap-frogging the bike and sliding down slick trails...

cheesy grins! that was fun!
And in my quest to conquer the ever expanding photo files on our computer I found these gems from 2005...

ready to ride!
take the hill!
trick riding...
outta here!
And check out this grin...

See...the same daredevil smile!

I'm so glad that some things never change!